Saturday, June 20, 2015

Pope Francis blames 'human selfishness' for global warming

I admire Pope Francis.  I think he has done more for the world and the Catholic Religion than any of the other Popes in my lifetime.  His latest encyclical on global warming is a major step towards helping everyone in the world.and protecting the future of the world from disaster.  His subtle comment on accepting gays, and  that Catholics don't need to "breed like rabbits" are amazing changes for the Church

Pope Francis blames 'human selfishness' for global warming - BBC News

The Pope is correct in blaming "human selfishness" for global warming.  The natural competition among humans, and human governments drives all of us to be as "productive" as possible.  Productivity means that we can produce more and work less -- that means we would use technology to allow us to do more.  If we had not used that technology over the past century, we would not now be able to feed, clothe and house the existing population population of the world--only a much fewer, wealthier group would have survived.

The Pope has pointed his finger of blame.  But as my boss told me once, when you point that finger forward, three fingers are pointing back at you.  The Pope and the Roman Catholic Church needs to accept the majority of the blame for global warming.  And, the Pope is in a position to rectify that problem!

It is obvious that the growth of the human population is what is the main driver behind global warming.  The more people there are, the more food, water, resources and energy we need.  Yes, the resources may not be distributed evenly.  However when everyone is competing for scarce resources, it creates stress on the environment and contributes to war.  Central and South America would have been a very wealthy region with stable governments and solid economies, if it weren't for the extremely rapid population growth over the past 50 years. Instead, the region has struggled and this latest Encyclical has created even more confusion. See this link  I attribute these problems directly to the Catholic Church's rules on birth control and abortion.

The Catholic Church's position on birth control and abortion has been a huge contributor towards the overpopulation of the world.  Because the Catholics profess anti birth control and abortion theology, other churches and religions have adopted the same theology.  It is clear that the evolution of the birth control and abortion theology was heavily influenced by the desire of the Pope at the time to expand the catholic religion and Christianity by increasing the population of "soldiers of Christ" to help create wealth for the church and to proselytize the non-believers.  In a sense, the theology was developed as a way to justify the Church's desire to expand and spread.  In a similar way Thomas Aquinas produced a theology that justified war, and turned Christianity from a "pacifist" religion to a fighting religion complete with soldiers, torture and killing of infidels.  The theology for birth control was established before the basic biological functions of birth were understood.  Children represented wealth.  The more children you had the better your farms could be tended, and the better you could be cared for in old age.  Natural disasters, plagues, wars and death during childbirth kept the population under control even with the rules against "wasting seed" (sperm) birth control existed.  Times have changed!

Other religions such as Islam and the Protestant sects adopted the same philosophy in order to "defend" against the expanding population of Catholics.  So now, in addition to the Catholics, the Muslims, Hassidic Jews, Baptists, and, of course, the Mormons are all trying to have as many children as possible to help spread their religion faster than the other competing religions.

China has shown the world that it is possible for a country to get its population under control.  Yes, it did use relatively harsh techniques.  However with inspired leadership, rules, laws, guidelines and incentives, I believe the rest of the world could also sharply cut the population growth rate.

If the Pope would reverse the current stand, he could call on leaders of all of the other religions to do the same.  Think of it as declaring a "truce" in the war of religions.  Maybe some, or hopefully most will also participate.

The right-wingers in the US Government including the Republicans in Congress and our Republican presidents have done everything they can to stop efforts at population control within the US and have virtually stopped all foreign aid efforts to assist other countries in slowing the growth of their populations.  The right-wingers cite "religious" or what they call "moral" reasons for preventing birth control or abortions.  The basis, or foundation of all of their arguments is the distorted theology created by monks in the Catholic Church during the 10th through 14th Century.  Those theologies were contrived by the monks in response to the various Pope's desires to expand the Roman Catholic Empire, expand the wealth, power and "majesty" of the church.  Looking back at history, anyone, including the Pope, can see that those motivations were bogus.  They didn't follow the teachings of Christ.  If the Pope could hit the "RESET" button on the Christian religion and go back to the basics of Christ's teachings, I believe a reversal of the Church's policy on birth control would rejuvenate the Christian religion, and save the world.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Secretive donors gave US climate denial groups $125m over three years

It is pretty clear to me that the globe is warming!  Vast majority of scientists around the world agree.  Most of the governments in the Western world agree and are taking steps to mitigate it.  However progress against global warming has been slowed by the lack of action taken by the world's largest polluting country, the United States.

It is human nature that before we take any action that we believe might be difficult, we want to make sure there is no reasonable doubt that it is the correct action, and that there are no other "easy alternatives" to solve the problem.  To stop, or slow down the effects of global warming will require significant investment and tightening of our carbon diet.  So before national leaders take those actions, they want to make sure that global warming is happening, and that the investments that will be made will be successful.

Seeds of doubt can poison, or stagnate any decision.  An article (by Suzanne Goldenberg and Helena Bengtsson) in "The Guardian" today reported that some "secretive donors" have donated $125M to pay a bunch of seemingly "independent think tanks" to promote those "seeds of doubt."

Secretive donors gave US climate denial groups $125m over three years | Environment | The Guardian

It appears that the funds were effective in that the findings from these several "right-wing" think tanks gave the appearance of independent thought.  Their pronouncements were presented by the press as "equal" to the global warming advocates, so they effectively stopped important legislation.  A very small investment was able to pay off, for the anti-global warming group.  I have very little respect for scientists who publish information they know is incorrect just to get paid.  However, I someone came to me and offered to pay me a million dollars to publish some technical lies, it would certainly be tempting!   So it might be easy to get 125 scientists to write BS with $125 million!

These reported payments have only been for a three year period, however I suspect that the payments have been made, in one way or another, to these organizations, and others, for as long as 20 years.  The funds are clearly linked, in some way, to the coal industry, which has something to lose in the long run if actions are taken to slow global warming.  The source of the funds is still anonymous, but I think there would be little doubt that the source of the funds is the Koch Brothers.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

How could climate change affect North County coastline? |

On May 3, 2015 Barbara Henry reported in the San Diego Union Tribune reported on the meetings that Carlsbad, Del Mar, Oceanside, Solana Beach, and Encinita had to discuss the problems of rising sea levels in North San Diego County..

How could climate change affect North County coastline? |

The Cities are trying to obtain Federal funds to study the problem of rising oceans and then start to think about mitigating the rising water. Two cities, Carlsbad and Del Mar have received grant money, but the other three cities are still trying to get funds. The studies are supposed to be completed by April 2017, although FEMA has a study which should be completed sooner.  Yes, each city does have unique situations that may require specialized solutions over the long haul.  But, it seem to me that any solution for Carlsbad and Del Mar would be almost directly applicable to similar portions of the other three cities.  All of the cities have lagoons, railroad bridges, beaches and cliffs.

It seems very inefficient for each city, or even small group of cities to try to plan for rising sea levels, which we know are happening. Whatever the Cities decide to do will need approval from the Coastal Commission. Each city will have to do it one at a time, involving immense amounts of legal expense.  Yes, the Commission, per its charter, must balance public access, protection of the environment, public recreation along with protection of public and private property along the coast.  However it certainly doesn't make sense to get each city's plan, or each property owner's plan approved using the current adversarial approach with the Commision.

The right answer is for the California Coastal Commission to step up to the task of defining an overall vision for what should be done to protect our coast and coastal assets. After they develop the vision, they should develop approved standards for design and construction that, if followed, can be automatically approved by the Commission. The Commission's standards should take into account coastal access, environmental protection as well as appearance, life-cycle-cost, and protection of property during 100 yr storms or floods.  As it is now, anyone who makes any attempt to protect their property will be forced to pay significant fees and file complex applications for "coastal permits."  As part of the process, each applicant will be treated as a perpetrator of a crime, guilty until proven innocent, and forced to pay some sort of "ransom" (for example a million dollars in sand mitigation fees) in order to gain permission to protect their property. If the Commission doesn't step up to the task, our State Legislature should pass a law tasking the Commission to do it.

Additional articles on the subject:

Below is the Encinitas Committee Information

Appointed Council Members: Tony Kranz, Lisa Shaffer
The City Council Sea Level Rise Subcommittee is comprised of Council Members Lisa Shaffer, Tony Kranz , City Staff, representatives from the city's Environmental Commission as well as representatives from neighboring North County Coastal Cities. The purpose of the subcommittee is to consider challenges from sea level rise and to develop a comprehensive strategy for addressing the impacts of sea level rise and other environmental threats in Encintias, particularly in Cardiff where Coast highway 101 is especially vulnerable. Bluff Erosion and opportunities to coordinate with the San Elijo Lagoon Restoration Project will also be explored.

April 30, 2015, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Workshop
Agenda (PDF)
Summary Report
Flip Chart Notes